Saturday, August 11, 2012

Trials for the Files

       Sometimes being a "semi-adult" (I don't want to rush adulthood there) sucks. Sure children now see me as an adult they are expected to listen to, Hooray. But with adulthood comes bills that for some odd reason I am expected to pay. I know weird right. 
     So anyways financial aid, it would seem, doesn't appear to be to concerned about coming to my aid this year, so there may definitely be hard times this school year. On top of stupid ridiculously fun school tuition bills, there is the whole, the cute dentist needs to fix all my teeth and possibly perform a root canal problem.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. "Wow you have more problems then the average nice college student needs." i totally agree, but a bacteria has been forming under my tooth since last years check up and they caught it last week when I went in complaining of a dreadful toothache. But the fun doesn't end there my good people who aren't actually reading this blog. No, the bacteria couldn't just chill in one tooth and let my unending suffering end. No it had to spread its love to many of my other teeth, and now they need work done. oh I wish I could just hide in a whole and spend my life watching old TV shows, reading the Hardy Books, and patiently waiting for the readers digest each month. I wish life could just be simple for a little while. Pray.

The Secret Voice